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Thursday, 28 March 2019

What of Disaccharides?

 Disaccharides type and reactions
Disaccharides and formula

Disaccharides:-Dy saccharides are carbohydrates that are made up of two monosaccharide molecules. Which gives two or two molecules of different monosaccharide when water is decomposed, it is called by saccharide. Other definitions of sugar that we use in homes, it is made up of two things from glucose (C6H12O6) and factors (C6H12O6)... Glucose has many (-OH) groups, clause 5 and fructose also contains 5 (-OH) group. The two groups -OH, react, in which water (-H2O) molecules are released. One-one -OH group reacts in both. The remaining 4 (OH) does not react, the two interconnected, their meanings are associated with the glycolytic bond, glucose, and fructose. Both of these are monosaccharides which make milky saccharides.                                             

                                            C6H12O6(glucose)+C6H12O6(factors)----------------------------->C12H22O11(sugar)                                                                 Some examples of disaccharide            1.Sucrose=glucose+fructose                                  2.Maltose=glucose+glucose                                        3.Lactose=galactose+glucose                                              How to make disaccharide from monosaccharide:-How to make disaccharide from two monosaccharides, there are many (-OH) groups in both monosaccharides. Which of the OH groups participate? Let us know. Glucose alpha (OH) and fructose bit- (OH) both react to monosaccharide making and consume two monosaccharide disaccharide.                                            Glucose(alpha)+fructose(bits)----------->monosaccharide     

Disaccharides of types
Disaccharides and formula

Both of the alpha-glucose (OH) is called habitual and beta-fructose OH is called Hemiacetal, those who participate in the reaction, the same OH group is called hemiacetal, hemiacetal, which participate in an action.                                                                                                     Main Chemical Usage and Reaction:-                       

 1. Heat effect:- Melton heating, but when it cools, the crystal gets cloudy. Which is called Rock candy, which is sweet in taste Which loses water on heating and is brownish, it is called caramel, it is used to make sweets and alcohol are used to make colorful.                                     2.Oxidation: - Oxalic acid is formed when nitric acid is oxidized                                                                                           2HNO3---------------->H2O+2NO3+O                                          C12H22O12+18O2------->6COOH2 +5H2O                       

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